159 Tim Teeter The Finance Tool That’s Actually a Customer Satisfaction Tool
If you have listened to at least a few of the lat 30 episodes of Helping Sells Radio, you probably noticed I cite the invoicing processes as a step in the customer experience that is largely ignored by the chief customer officer because “that’s a finance thing.” And that there aren’t that many accounts receivable managers who think about the customer experience.
159 Tim Teeter The Finance Tool That’s Actually a Customer Satisfaction Tool
159 Tim Teeter The Finance Tool That’s…
159 Tim Teeter The Finance Tool That’s Actually a Customer Satisfaction Tool
If you have listened to at least a few of the lat 30 episodes of Helping Sells Radio, you probably noticed I cite the invoicing processes as a step in the customer experience that is largely ignored by the chief customer officer because “that’s a finance thing.” And that there aren’t that many accounts receivable managers who think about the customer experience.