Helping Sells Radio
Helping Sells Radio
306 Mary Ann Pruitt Traditional media is dead. Long live traditional media...especially that billboard on the 101

306 Mary Ann Pruitt Traditional media is dead. Long live traditional media...especially that billboard on the 101


Mary Ann Pruitt, the CEO and President of Mosaic Media, a collection of media buying experts and creative strategists who negotiate, purchase, and monitor advertising space and airtime. She’s on the podcast to share how the right media strategy can help you reach your customers in an ever evolving climate of media. You know what they say, "Traditional media is dead. Long live traditional media."

More about Mary Ann:

Mary Ann Pruitt CEO Mosaic Media on Helping Sells Radio Bill Cushard

Helping Sells Radio
Helping Sells Radio
Helping Sells Radio is the enterprise software podcast for people who want to help customers achieve outcomes with software. We talk to technology professionals who work all over the customer journey, from marketing and sales to customer success and professional services, to unpack innovative ways people are taking a helpful approach with customers. Brought to you by ServiceRocket Media.