Helping Sells Radio
Helping Sells Radio
305 Ben Worthen How can you get repeat customers for your ideas

305 Ben Worthen How can you get repeat customers for your ideas


When Ben Worthen, CEO of MessageLab, said it, I did a double take. He posed a simple question, "If you had an idea store, what would be in that store?" A simple question. Then he asked a follow-up, "...and how can you get repeat customers of your ideas?" Whoa. This is a different and better way (in my opinion) to look at marketing.

If you want to become relevant to a certain audience, how are you going to do that? If you sell project management software, how are you going to become relevant to project managers? If you sell digital transformation services, how will you become relevant to the C-Suite on the biggest 1,000 companies in the world?

We tackled these questions and Ben helped me reexamine how I think about marketing.

More about Ben:

Ben Worthen of Message Lab on Helping Sells Radio with Bill Cushard marketing
Helping Sells Radio
Helping Sells Radio
Helping Sells Radio is the enterprise software podcast for people who want to help customers achieve outcomes with software. We talk to technology professionals who work all over the customer journey, from marketing and sales to customer success and professional services, to unpack innovative ways people are taking a helpful approach with customers. Brought to you by ServiceRocket Media.