Helping Sells Radio
Helping Sells Radio
176 Michael Pollack Went Beyond His Product to Help a Customer Develop a New Offering

176 Michael Pollack Went Beyond His Product to Help a Customer Develop a New Offering


Maybe I am spoiling the end, but I can’t help myself. Michael Pollack, co-founder of Intricately, tells a story about how his team…using the data his product helps customers collect and used, helped his customer see a new opportunity, develop a new offering, and take to market.

This is not even necessarily what his product helps customers do.

His team went above and beyond the strict purpose of the product to help his customer achieve an outcome larger than their relationship required.

There could not be a better manifestation of Helping Sells Radio.

It takes Heidi Gardner’s (Ep. 67). “Smart Collaboration” concept to the next level.

It’s called customer success, not our success, for a reason.

Learn more about Michael:

  1. His Website:

  2. On Linkedin:

Helping Sells Radio
Helping Sells Radio
Helping Sells Radio is the enterprise software podcast for people who want to help customers achieve outcomes with software. We talk to technology professionals who work all over the customer journey, from marketing and sales to customer success and professional services, to unpack innovative ways people are taking a helpful approach with customers. Brought to you by ServiceRocket Media.