We are all very smart people, and we want to use those smarts to help our customers. So, naturally, we define our customers' journey and then try to help our customers through that journey. Here's the thing. Just because we want this to be our customers' journey, doesn't mean it's the journey our customers want to take. Our customers have their own journey in mind, and they might not even know what they journey is yet. Go figure. Instead of defining the customer journey for our customers, Kia Puhm, founder and CEO of the DesiredPath, has created an intelligent framework for discovering and documenting our customers' "desired path" to using our products and then how to measure it. You will have many "ah ha" moments listening to this discussion and a few times you might even say to yourself, "Of course. It's so obvious now. I'm going to hire Kia's company to help my team do this."
And, I learned what a desired path is. It is a thing.
Learn more about Kia:
Her new website: https://www.thedesiredpath.com/
Her eBook: Scroll down the page on her website
On Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kiapuhm/
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/kiapuhm?lang=en
On Helping Sells Radio Episode 41: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-41-kia-puhm-wants-you-to-end-product-sales/id1080713333?i=1000386231506
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