Helping Sells Radio
Helping Sells Radio
092: Jay Acunzo Don't Be An Expert, Be An Investigator

092: Jay Acunzo Don't Be An Expert, Be An Investigator

We sure do sound like an expert at work when we educate our peers and stakeholders about best practices in our industries. After all, our executive teams are asking us to implement best practices. Our customers expect us to follow best practices. The conferences we attended attract us with sessions on best practices. We learn them. We implement them. We are praised when we do. But did any of us sit down and think, before we charged down best practices hill, "Is following these best practices right for us?"

Jay Acunzo, keynote speaker, founder of Unthinkable Media and author of the upcoming book, Break the Wheel: Question best practices, hone your intuition, and do your best work, helps us change how we think about best practices. Jay tells us, "We are starting to lose sight of how to make good decisions at work. We think it's about finding that best practice. But here's the deal. Finding best practices is not the goal. Finding what works best for you is the goal.

Big difference.

So this begs the question. How do you (your organization) find out what works best for you?

That is the question Jay helps us answer on this episode of Helping Sells Radio.

Learn more about Jay:

The book:

His website:


That Medium post we opened the show with: Confessions of a content creator: I don't care about data

(I post the URLs rather than just linking the text, in case some of these podcast services doesn't pick up the HTML. At least you can copy and past the URL if you want to get it).

Helping Sells Radio
Helping Sells Radio
Helping Sells Radio is the enterprise software podcast for people who want to help customers achieve outcomes with software. We talk to technology professionals who work all over the customer journey, from marketing and sales to customer success and professional services, to unpack innovative ways people are taking a helpful approach with customers. Brought to you by ServiceRocket Media.